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No Foolin'

by Meagan Waite, Assistant Director - My Discovery Destination!

The first day of April is known around the world as April Fool’s Day. While no one can pinpoint the origin with exact accuracy, it is widely accepted globally that this is the day to try to “pull one over” (within reason, of course!) on your friends, family members, and coworkers. Virtuous, clean pranks can be amusing for everyone, and we are all about having a good time!
But April also has a serious side. Did you know it’s also Family Strengthening (a.k.a. Child Abuse Prevention) Month? Strong families are an important protective factor to prevent child abuse. Spending quality time as a family plays an important role in child abuse prevention because it promotes family bonding and attachment. My Discovery Destination! is working with the Utah Department of Human Services Office of Child and Family Services to collaborate on a special Discovery Hunt to honor the month. You can find it by downloading the Goosechase App and entering code FAMILIES. We invite you to party with us.

Speaking of fun, we suggest you use silly days–and there is no shortage of silly days on a calendar (click the hyperlink and scroll down to “National Days”), believe me–to pull your family close, laugh together, and strengthen the bonds that act as a protective shield against risky behaviors and poor choices due to physiological disorders like depression and anxiety.
Any way you want to, just make sure you include everybody in the planning, execution, and clean up, if your event necessitates it. It really doesn’t matter what you do to celebrate. What is significant is the fact that you are spending quality time with your family and letting your children know they belong. And if your children belong to your family unit, they won’t feel the need to fit in somewhere else.

Because building resilient kids is nothing to joke about.


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