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Love Is In the Air

by Meagan Waite, Assistant Director - My Discovery Destination!

It’s almost Valentine’s Day, and the world is all-aflutter with overpriced red roses, paper hearts, and boxes of chocolate. I am also aware of the fact that some people refer to February 14 as Singles Awareness Day–I am in that demographic myself. Now I’m not down on romance just because I am currently footloose and fancy free. Just because this is the month of “amore” doesn’t mean that it is only referring to fairytale love.

English is among the largest languages by word count. That being said, we native English speakers don’t have nearly enough for the word “love.” Now, the Greeks…they know about words of love. 

Eros means passion. Philia is a deep friendship. Ludus is a playful love. Philautia is the love of self. But, it is agape, the love for everyone, and pragma, long standing love, that I wish to talk about.

I believe that the love of a parent for their child falls into a combination of agape and pragma–an all encompassing, lasting love. And when you love someone you want to wrap them up, hold them tight, and protect them from the world. But, it is the nature of children to grow up, become adults, and have children of their own (and in case you aren’t yet there, grandchildren are the BEST!). 

Once you find yourself in the phase of life with adult children and grandchildren, you can no longer safeguard your babies from everything because they are no longer babies. Take my advice–while your children are young, wrap them up in the protective bonds of family, proven to be the best prevention for risky behaviors.

We are all busy so make the best of the limited time you have. The Discovery Family Adventures are fun, fast, flexible, and free. The Teaching Important Parenting Strategies (TIPS) that are built in make interactive, deliberate parenting effortless. 

Show your children you love them. Give them experiences that will protect them for adulthood, parenthood, and beyond. Give them something they can pass down to those grandbabies.


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