by Meagan Waite, Assistant Director - My Discovery Destination! December can be truly magical–colored lights and decorations, falling snow (if we’re lucky), and festive music. Kids are out of school for a few weeks, and for the most part, people are more giving and mindful of those in need. There are lots of cheery activities to occupy one’s time. It’s easy to get wrapped up (ha!) in the busy-ness of all the amazing events and lose sight of what’s really important...doing things together as a family, whatever your family looks like! My Discovery Destination! is here to help. Every pursuit we have on our do-not-miss-this holiday list is specifically designed to bring your family together to celebrate the season. Do we recommend you fully engage in EACH and EVERY undertaking we have to offer? No, of course not. We do want you to be informed so you can make decisions as a family about which activities fit your family size, ages, and interest to provide the best quality time together...
OUR MISSION is to strengthen families by providing opportunities for FREE Family Fun and connecting parents with programs, resources and information that help them acquire the skills necessary to raise loving, responsible, resilient children.