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A Little Time Goes a Long Way

by Meagan Waite, Assistant Director - My Discovery Destination!

There is a series of short radio commercials that I have come to love. They are about solidifying the family, and the slogan is, “Family–it’s about time.” The way I see it, it means that if you want to keep your family strong, you just need to give them your time. That makes it sound so easy, doesn’t it? And in reality, if you participate in the Discovery Family Adventures, it can be just that simple.

Healthy, strong family relationships are foundational to young people’s growth, learning, and well-being. These relationships build strong social and emotional strengths that kids use throughout their lives. The Discovery Family Adventures use the research-based social development strategy (SDS) to help families achieve positive outcomes from the time spent together. Parents love the ideas, activities, and experiences to help build strong family relationships. 

The Social Development Strategy (SDS) is an evidence-based framework that enhances five factors proven to build protection and organizes these protective factors into a strategy for action that anyone can use in their daily interactions with young people.

The five protective factors include:

  • Providing opportunities for active participation and meaningful involvement with others, including families, schools, communities and peer groups.

  • Providing opportunities for young people to develop the skills they need to succeed.

  • Providing consistent and appropriate recognition and praise for their effort, improvement and accomplishments.

  • As adults in the youth’s life provide these opportunities and recognition, strong bonds form and youth build powerful relationships with the adults in their life.

  • These adults then become an important protective influence for the child and are able to set clear standards and share healthy beliefs. Young people are more likely to engage in healthy, socially responsible behaviour when parents, teachers and the community around them communicate healthy beliefs and clear standards.

Bonding between key adults and youth is vital, and to create these bonds young people need opportunities for meaningful and active engagement with them at home, at school, with peers, and in their community.

The Discovery Family Adventures are a variety of flexible activities designed to help adults ensure that all five of these key steps are available and happening regularly, even daily, in their home. The Adventures are available at no cost to any family wanting to build stronger family bonds. Families can connect with the adventures on the website at or via the GooseChase App ( for directions). Families will also want to connect with the Discovery App by texting 'family' to 888-403-4140. This app allows you to stay connected to new Adventures available through the program, as well as other free resources available in their local area. 

Adventures, an App totally focused on family fun, and all kinds of resources to help you be the very best parent you can be, and it’s all 100% FREE to every family that wants to participate. It’s really FUN! And there is nothing EASIER to help you strengthen your family and build resilience in the youth you love.


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