by Meagan Waite, Assistant Director - My Discovery Destination! There is a series of short radio commercials that I have come to love. They are about solidifying the family, and the slogan is, “Family–it’s about time.” The way I see it, it means that if you want to keep your family strong, you just need to give them your time. That makes it sound so easy, doesn’t it? And in reality, if you participate in the Discovery Family Adventures, it can be just that simple. Healthy, strong family relationships are foundational to young people’s growth, learning, and well-being. These relationships build strong social and emotional strengths that kids use throughout their lives. The Discovery Family Adventures use the research-based social development strategy (SDS) to help families achieve positive outcomes from the time spent together. Parents love the ideas, activities, and experiences to help build strong family relationships. The Social Development Strategy (SDS) is an evidence-based f...
OUR MISSION is to strengthen families by providing opportunities for FREE Family Fun and connecting parents with programs, resources and information that help them acquire the skills necessary to raise loving, responsible, resilient children.