Meagan Waite, Assistant Director - My Discovery Destination! June is a GREAT month! The days are longer now than they are at any other time during the year–at least in the northern hemisphere. The weather is warm but usually not quite TOO hot yet, depending on your latitude. There are fairs, festivals, and outdoor concerts. School is out for most students, K-12 and college alike. All these activities beckon us to go outside (all of my fellow allergy-sufferers, I feel your pain, but I’m not letting them get in my way! Who’s with me?!). And, depending on where you live, you are either tending a garden or, if you’re lucky, reaping the rewards of a bountiful harvest of home-grown, fresh fruits and vegetables. Doesn’t all this sound like the perfect prescription to make some robust changes? This is the ideal time to permanently change some of your habits and practices and create a healthy lifestyle for you and your family. The Summer Passport Program (on the Goosechase app, game code SUMMER...
OUR MISSION is to strengthen families by providing opportunities for FREE Family Fun and connecting parents with programs, resources and information that help them acquire the skills necessary to raise loving, responsible, resilient children.