by Meagan Waite, Assistant Director - My Discovery Destination! August can be a very exciting time of year. But before we delve into the reasons behind that, let’s look at the word “excited.” “Excited” is synonymous with enthusiastic, animated and wildly happy. But, it also has a close meaning to these words: agitated, nervous, and emotional. Because of the very nature of the event, going back to school can cause all kinds of feelings. And, different children are going to have different reactions to the pending affair. What is a parent to do? I think the key here might be one word: understanding. Remember what it was like when every fall you had to return to the grindstone with a new class, new teacher, and sometimes an entirely new school? While that might be long in your past, you can still empathize with what your child might be going through. Exercise patience, show a little mercy, and be compassionate with everyone involved, including yourself. I was recently intr...
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